
The Lancet Nigeria Commission

Investing in the Health and the Future of the Nation

Nigeria is Africa’s largest economy and most populous country, projected to become the world’s third largest in terms of population by 2050. Yet its health outcomes are lagging, holding back progress and threatening the future of an otherwise dynamic nation.

This landmark Commission presents a comprehensive and pragmatic roadmap to boost investment and make best use of resources to ensure a healthy Nigeria takes the world stage in the coming decades.

The Report

Analysis and evidence to support a positive and realistic future for Nigeria

Our commission report, written by a team of Nigeria experts working at institutions in country and around the world, has developed recommendations to reposition future policy to achieve universal health coverage and better health for all Nigerians.

Read more about the Commission’s ambitious plans to implement the recommendations set out in the Report and influence the programme of work of the Nigerian government and its development partners.

What is a Lancet Commission?

Lancet Commission is a scientific review, inquiry, and response to an urgent and often neglected or understudied health predicament. Lancet Commissions are science-led, international, and multidisciplinary collaborations that aim to achieve transformational change with a particular focus on policy or political action.

Read more about Commissions from The Lancet journals.

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